Today Diabetes decided to give me the big ol' double middle finger. I woke up to find a nice 235 staring back at me on the meter. Of course on all the days leading up to this one she had been waking up in range.
But never mind that. There is a reason I wake up super early... So I can catch these high BGs, pre-bolus, and make sure she's on her way down before breakfast. All in plenty of time to get her off to school.
So that's just what I did. Except...
Except THIS morning I received a Bolus Interuptus in the form of a shrieking pod. The PDM tells me all but .05 was delivered, but that's what it ALWAYS says. I think the PDM likes to lie sometimes.
But all is well. The pod was changed, breakfast consumed, and one very happy girl got on the bus and made her way to first grade
All the while, I know she's doing okay.