A few days ago, I was perusing my husband's Facebook (it's cool... he knows about it), when I came across the following post that one of his friends commented on:
While I agree that the JDRF and KFC make strange bedfellows, especially when you need to buy a mega jug of Pepsi for them to donate the $1, I do appreciate any donations towards finding a cure. But then I made the mistake of reading other people's comments:
Hey guys, no need to do research, I think I found the problem
Buy a pack of smokes and we will donate money to a lung cancer research group .... haha ... is this pic real?
Nice they cause it then they want YOU to contribute to find a cure!!!
Head? Exploding. And those are just a few of the snide remarks that people left.
My wonderful husband did leave a comment saying that consuming too much sugar will NOT give you type 1 diabetes (formerly known as juvenile diabetes) but it went completely ignored.
Another person we know made the following comment:
JDRF found that Mega Jugs of Pepsi-like drinks are a leading cause of Type 1, Type 2, and Juvenile Diabetes
Fred had to almost physically restrain me from driving to his house to kick him in the nuts. I'm sorta feisty like that.
Which leads me to my point. Recently there has been a movement, started by two moms, to change the name of type 1 diabetes. I think their enthusiasm is admirable, and I love their passion, but I also believe that it misses the point. And here's why. Go back and read the comment above. I'll wait...
Did you catch that? He thinks that type 1 and Juvenile Diabetes are different. To add yet another name into the mix will only cause more confusion, never mind that most people don't even know that there are different types. Nor do they really care.
No, changing the name will not fix anything. People are ignorant, though it's not entirely their fault. They have been spoon fed crap by the media; news reports, talk shows, and magazines all talk about the "facts" (I use that word very loosely) of diabetes, but never discuss the different types. I wish we could somehow use media to educate the masses about all the types that fall under the diabetes umbrella, but I don't see it happening. Media doesn't care unless it happens to a Kardashian.
So then, what do we do? I think it starts with us; as a grassroots moment. Start from the bottom up and educate your friends who will hopefully in turn educate others. I try not to vomit "diabetes stuff" onto my friends, but I try to find "teachable moments" here and there.
I had one friend, who knows how much work goes into caring for Elise tell me that she heard a family member talking about diabetes and how all you need is a shot every once in awhile and stay away from bad foods. She gently corrected the family member, and although it probably went in one ear and out the other, it's a start... right? At least someone is listening.
There will always be ignorant people out the who don't get it. My advice?
8 months ago