I don't really "do" resolutions. Mostly because I am so perfect the way I am.
Now that we've all stopped laughing, I thought I'd jot down a few things I'd like to change for the upcoming year.
Hopefully the Mayans are right and the world is ending... that way I won't have to do any of this stuff.
1. I will not let Elise's numbers get me down. I will test, correct and move on. Those numbers are not a reflection of my pancreaticing ability, except when they are good (tee hee). The bad numbers are due to the fact that diabetes sucks ass.
2. I will learn how to properly bolus for pizza and say YES to pizza for dinner (right now, pizza is something we only eat at lunch).
3. I will SWAG more and weigh less. I am getting tired of carrying around a scale. My diaper bag is heavy enough.
4. This coming year I will bake more with Elise. And I will write down the carb factor of each thing I make, so I never, ever have to figure it out again. I've always wanted to make meringues.
5. I will *try* not to roll my eyes and swear under my breath when people ask me (what I deem to be) stupid questions about diabetes. Instead, I will see it as a chance to advocate and educate for my daughter. I will, however, beat your ass if you insist on telling me about Brazilian moss.
6. I will stop checking my Mattias's BG just because he's cranky. Or not sleeping well. Or sleeping too much. Or not eating. Or eating too much. If he looks at me funny. Or because the wind is blowing out of the east that day and I feel like it.
7. I will finally order and read Pumping Insulin.
8. I *may* get on facebook so I can be better connected to my D-peeps. That's a big, fat *MAY*.
9. I will not let D invade my thoughts 24/7. I will allow myself to sometimes forget that my daughter has diabetes.
10. Instead of beating myself up when things go wrong, I will try and remember how well we are doing, and that Elise is a very healthy and happy little girl.
11. I will not be so hard on people that complain to me that they are sooooooo tired because of one interrupted night of sleep. Or that they haven't been on a date night with their husband in almost a month. Or that their child's one-time prescription was sooooo expensive. Or that they only got to get away without the kids once this year. I will smile sweetly and only punch them in my imagination.
12. I will do my best to do all of the above, but give myself grace when I fail. Being a perfect pancreas is tough, yo.
8 months ago