Wednesday, September 4, 2013


As we snuggled together on the eve before she turned 6, Elise said to me, "I wish I could stay 5... everything is perfect when you're 5."

If she only knew the greatness that awaits her; this year, next year and all the years of her life.

She will do amazing things.  She will have an amazing life.  I can feel it. 

And it all started 6 years ago today. Happy birthday to my sweet, wonderful, amazing girl.  I love you and love you.


  1. Such a sweet post :) Happy Birthday, Elise!

  2. Hope it was a great 6th Birthday Elise! xoxo

  3. Aww! Love this post! She is SO beautiful!! Happy birthday!!

  4. Happy Birthday! Six is fun, enjoy the new school year - I can't wait to hear how it is all going :)


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